Complaint management – Procedure 

As your committed partners, we provide personal and competent care to our clients. It is important to us that our services are tailored to your needs in the best possible way. This is our personal banking in perfection. If you nevertheless have any complaints about an LLB service, we will review your concern carefully and promptly.

Depending on the nature of your concern, we involve our competent and independent specialist offices. The complexity of your case may necessitate that processing takes some time. You can expect confirmation of receipt of your concern within a few days if we are unable to respond to it directly.

This is how you can contact us:

  • Get in touch directly with your client advisor – your client advisor is your contact person for all financial matters.
  • Use our complaint form: You will find it under the tab "Contact form & addresses".
  • Send us your concern by letter to the following address:
    Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG
    Complaint Management
    Städtle 44, P. O. Box 384
    9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein

To process your concern, we will need the following information from you:

  • Reason for the complaint / Facts of the case
  • Description of your concern
  • Contact information such as name, address, telephone number

Your satisfaction is very important to us. We are here for you.

Additionally, the extrajudicial Conciliation Board for the financial services sector is available to you as a neutral and free mediation body at The Conciliation Board is also recognized as an Ombudsman's office under the Swiss Financial Services Act (FinSa). Of course, you also have the option of pursuing claims through the courts.