Moody's confirms LLB's Aa2 rating / outlook stable
Vaduz, 25. Oktober 2023. The rating agency Moody's has again awarded its bank deposit rating of Aa2 to the Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG (LLB), with a stable outlook. This confirms the LLB's excellent creditworthiness.
With a Moody's bank deposit rating of Aa2, the Liechtensteinische Landesbank is in the top league of Liechtenstein and Swiss banks and is one of the banks with the highest ratings in the world. The LLB's issuer rating of Aa3 is also very positive. The agency's rating outlook for the LLB is stable. Moody's praises the solid fundamental financial data of the LLB Group, especially its strong capital resources and its good liquidity and refinancing situation.
Brief portrait
Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG (LLB) is the longest established financial institute in the Principality of Liechtenstein. The majority of the company’s share capital is held by the Principality of Liechtenstein. LLB’s shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (symbol: LLBN). The LLB Group offers its clients comprehensive wealth management services as a universal bank, in private banking, asset management and fund services. With 1'261 employees (full-time equivalent positions), LLB is represented in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and the United Arab Emirates. As at 30 June 2024, the business volume of the LLB Group stood at CHF 109.9 billion.
Important dates
- 21 February 2025, presentation of the 2024 business result
- 16 April 2025, 33rd ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG
Dr. Cyrill Sele
Head of Group Corporate Communications & Sustainability
Telephone +423 236 80 99