General Meeting of Shareholders
The General Meeting of Shareholders is the supreme governing body of the LLB
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held within six months of the close of the financial year. Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders are convened if they are in the urgent interest of the LLB or upon the written request of shareholders representing not less than ten per cent of the share capital. The written request must refer to the purpose for which the meeting should be convened.
Next General Meeting
The 33rd Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 16, 2025, in the SAL - Saal am Lindaplatz, Schaan / FL. All further information can be found here.
Powers of the General Meeting of Shareholders
The General Meeting has the following powers:
- It enacts the Statutes and adopts resolutions with regard to their amendment.
- It appoints the Members and the Chairman of the Board of Directors as well as the auditors.
- It approves the annual report of the LLB AG (annual financial statements and management report) and the consolidated annual report of the LLB Group (consolidated financial statements and consolidated management report).
- It decides on the declaration of the dividend, increasing and decreasing the share capital, converting bearer shares into registered shares and registered shares into bearer shares, as well as dissolution and liquidation of the company.
- The General Meeting of Shareholders formally approves the actions of the Board of Directors, the Board of Management, and the auditors.
- In addition to the aforementioned business that expressly falls within the powers of the General Meeting, the General Meeting also decides on all matters of the company that are presented to it by the Board of Directors or upon which it must decide by law.