Together we’ll get down to business

Were you already interested in financial and capital markets, investments, or loans during your school years? Or are you a technology geek who always enjoys learning more and sharing experiences as part of an IT community? In both cases, you might soon find yourself on the LLB team after graduating from school – as part of a commercial or IT apprenticeship.

  • Portrait Patrik Schreiber
    Patrik Schreiber, Head bank office Eschen
I started as a bank apprentice at the LLB in 1990. I've always been encouraged and challenged along my path. Today, I'm the head of the branch in Eschen and can look back on more than 20 years in the LLB family. I can confirm that the LLB offers exciting opportunities to ambitious personalities for career development – both as specialists and as managers.

First-hand information

You can find out in one day whether you might feel comfortable at a bank in general or at the LLB Group in particular for the long term: We hold information days for young talent in September of each year.