Market Updates
We publish the latest market news in various formats.
LLB market impulses– Tuesdays and Thursdays
We assess the development of the markets and comment on market movements during our "LLB market impulses" on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Individual alternative asset classes and investment products are presented on a regular basis. Every quarter, you receive a detailed report on the performance of our LLB strategy funds and on the current adjustments to our portfolio management. You can download these presentations and relevant documentation below (in German only).
Weekly Updates – weekly
The Investment Advisory Weekly Update is published on Friday afternoons and provides an outlook on the coming trading week. It includes a current market outlook, the topics of the week and an equity recommendation (in German only).
Capital & Markets – monthly
Stay up to date and get to know the trends in important investment topics. The focus of this brochure is on detailed market assessments by LLB Asset Management and the wide range of LLB investment strategies.
LLB Fund Overview – quarterly
This brochure shows the full range of LLB retail funds. Each of our funds is categorised by asset class and described in detail on a single page. In the fund portrait, we focus on a current topic. We then offer comprehensive options in a variety of overviews.
- Market Updates
- Investment products
- Publications
- Weekly Updates
LLB Fund Overview - Current edition Quarterly Report
Capital & MarketsLLB view on the capital markets