• Kultur

    Advance your business idea and make it profitable

Set up your own fund

Setting up your own fund is equally attractive whether you're a private or an institutional investor. The opportunity to jointly invest assets and at the same time have them managed professionally in a portfolio is a special combination with many advantages.

The advantages of your private label fund

  • The fund can be tailored to your needs
  • You choose the labelling yourself
  • Investment decisions are made by you or, if you wish, your business partners. We assist you with advice as you see fit.
  • The investment policy, fee structure, and other parameters carry your personal touch.

LLB Fund Services AG takes over the formation and administration of your fund. This gives you more time to take care of your clients and focus on what's important.

Set up a fund with us that suits your needs

Whether you have already planned every last detail of your private label fund or have a clear vision of what you want: We will help you set up your fund from the very start.

  • Initial consultation and analysis
    Based on your needs and your investment idea, we will jointly define the right structure, the name of the fund, and the pricing.
  • Investment policy
    Your fund idea is unique. So that it distinguishes itself successfully from your competitors, a wide range of topics and niches are available to you. We use these purposefully to jointly define the investment policy.
  • Realisation
    We prepare the fund prospectuses and all necessary contracts. We also submit the licence application for your fund to the Financial Market Authority (FMA) Liechtenstein and take care of registration in selected distribution countries.
  • Coordination
    During the entire process of setting up the fund, we harmonise the work processes of all involved parties. This ensures optimal coordination of the depositary, the fund management, and the fund administration.
  • Launch
    Once the licence has been issued by the Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein, nothing stands in the way of introducing your private label fund on the market. You are responsible for distribution and marketing. We take care of important compliance tasks.

The launch of your private label fund

Clear legal rules and expeditious cooperation with the Liechtenstein authorities make it possible to launch your private label fund quickly. In particular, we are in close contact with the Financial Market Authority (FMA) Liechtenstein. The FMA is independent, set up according to private sector principles, and client-oriented. It distinguishes itself by its outstanding quality and pragmatic solutions.

Time to market – in theory and practice

LLB Fund Services AG attaches great importance to the time-to-market approach not only on paper, but also in daily business. The legally mandated processing times of the Financial Market Authority (FMA) Liechtenstein also distinguish the Liechtenstein fund centre positively from its international competitors.

Milestones & duration

  • Advice / conception: 3 weeks
  • Preparation of documents and contracts: 1 week
  • Preparation of licensing materials: 1 week
  • Grant of FMA licence: max. 10 days for UCITS / max. 20 days for AIF
  • Preparation of initial issue: 1 week